Chloe +Patrick, Engagement Session, Long Beach, MS

When Chloe reached out wanting to book a session, my brain was truly scrambling. I have seen the type of work she puts out and the talented photographers she has worked with and everything about her just exudes creativity. This wasn’t a shoot I could just go through the motions with. And I immediately started brainstorming. A few weeks passed before I decided to try and vibe with her and I should have done it sooner because it was so comforting! Once we spoke about what inspires us and what she was wanting, we were on the same page. I don’t know why I psych myself out. I guess there WAS a reason she chose me, after all. Will I ever feel worthy of the gifts of praise I receive? Probably not. Do i love every minute of trying to feel that way, working hard to keep my ideas fresh, crying over post processing, trashing work to just build it back up again and just the over all process of evolving and pushing myself to try something new? Also no.

But, sometimes….sometimes I really get lucky and the day is beautiful, the couple walks up in simple, laid back clothing, the setting is a combination of eerie and magical and I get to watch lovers dance and embrace in an overgrowth of greenery I have watched transform over the years.

These two seem like old friends. Their love is playful and sweet, they are tender and funny and patient and it all shows in Bronte (the true star of the beginning of this session) we could have ended it there, but we didn’t. We still had a lot to capture! Like….. Patricks strength and ability to build a fire, with no kindling, on a windy beach, while we were losing light, with a bic lighter (which I am STILL impressed by).

Alas, I will let the photos speak for themselves.


Awaiting Isla, Ocean Springs, Mississippi

Zach and Kerri are the type of people that just make you stoked to be raising children in a world where they are doing that, too. They have already produced a stellar little chick, Zoe, who led the shoot and set the tone for the day. I admired how they just let her be. Doing so gave everything we shot the natural/organic feel I am constantly seeking. Being that I shot their maternity photos (when little Zoe was the one we were anticipating) Kerri reaching out to ME for round two was super exciting! And even though we had to reschedule once due to the weather not cooperating for the light and look Kerri was after, it was all worth it: we were gifted with a gorgeous evening built for the adventure we had and helped produce a collection I feel captures the essence of their family. Kerri and Zach are so humble and down to earth on their own, as individuals, but when you put them in a frame together, you really see how they bring each other to life. It’s exciting to capture families I have earned a little trust with and seeing what that looks like. Spoiler alert: it looks pretty freaking sweet.

Piper and some time tested toddler photography advice.

Planning for photos of a toddler can only go so far.  You can plan their outfits, make arrangements for a location, set up a backdrop of sorts, schedule around their nap, snack, seemingly “best" time of day and then what?  All you are left with is the hope that their sock seams won’t bother them, or their skirt won’t be “too tight” or that they’ll actually wear their shoes.  If you have a two year old, or have had a two year old, you know that it is a roll of the dice as to if they stay on schedule or if they melt down because you don’t want the banana they’re offering you.  A backdrop or set?  ha! I literally set them up and have zero expectation to actually use it, just more hope that for a brief moment we could POSSIBLY heard he/she in the basic direction of it.  Toddlers are fast, determined and on their own mission that has ZERO regard for the expectations of their parents on picture day. And guess what?  That is ok.  In fact, it’s better than ok. Why try to put them into a boring “look at Miss Heather and say cheese” box when you can just let them be two and let ME do my job and capture all of their wild, wonderful ways!

Parents- don’t be obsessed with eye contact.  This is an age where energy and personality are what you want to capture.  I will follow the movement and maybe I will get a shot, but it won’t be when you expect it, and rarely does demanding it help.  I promise you that your frustration will subside with lowered expectations. And happy/funloving/in-the-moment mom and dad = the true-to-life, full of personality shots of your child.  You love these shots.  You cherish these shots.  You hire me for THESE shots. And we are a team in making them happen.

Paula and Sidney have been clients for a couple of years now.  We took it back to where we shot their maternity photos for some spur-of-the-moment fun with their (now two year old) daughter, Piper and the results were pure magic!  I know that Sidney was worn out from playing a “silly daddy” game of chase so that her energy was directed back and forth in front of the camera and Paula was so great about directing her attention to little details so that I could catch a few of her brief moments of stillness.  We shot with an overcast sunset-ish sky and it gave the area beneath the tree and all around this super soft glow.   A few of my favorites are featured in this blog and below.  As always, any questions about my settings/strategies behind the session are welcome, we are in this together. 

Francie and Kerby and a promise to myself

Of course I am sitting down to write my January “new year, new me” blog post on the 19th of January.  I try so hard to adult and run a business and mother three busy children in an organized manner and well.. lets just say that it is a good thing I am talented because my amateur juggling skills (aka life management) would surely have buried me if I weren’t.  

As much as I want to begin the year with the wedding I shot last week, I cannot let 2017 begin without shedding some light on where 2016 ended and THAT was with stacks on stacks on stacks of gorgeous weddings surrounding a very busy holiday season.  I am going to dedicate myself to posting some of these and my work more regularly this year. Boom. There it is. 

You guys remember Francie and Kerby, right? How could you not?  Well, they were married on a Sunday at one of my favorite venues (The Chimney's).  When planning for this wedding, Francie didn’t take into account that daylight savings would occur and their start time would ultimately mean DARK.  This didn’t stop them, or me from capturing some stellar ceremony shots thanks to my favorite lens (50 1.2) and some creative lighting giving me just enough to capture Kerby’s tears and Francie’s infectious smile.  We had an impromptu first look, and I must say I am so thankful for her nerves and those first few moments we shared alone. 

The outpouring of love and fellowship at this union was huge, y’all. I could post 50 images and still not feel like I did it justice. I hope you enjoy a few of my favorites of the joining of these two families and all of the style that surrounded it.

And as always, a huge thank you to the couple for trusting me,  for sharing their families with me (especially the Grandmothers of both the bride and the groom who were two of the most loving women I have ever met) and for their kind words and gracious hearts. 

Boho Zoie, Celebrates One, downtown Bay St. Louis

Zoie is the most charming little wildflower and her parents exude all that I know will keep her passionate spirit safe.  Families like this one are so rare and so priceless and yet they continually find their way to me.  The trust Zach and Kerri have in my ability and direction is evident in how little they tried to micromanage the session.  I don't think I ever heard them tell Zoie to smile and say cheese.  She was obviously born free, and they seem to know that letting her run free means they'll never lose her.  It's refreshing to see this, and their love was beyond charming. 

Conceptually, we wanted to ditch the typical smash cake or tutu and do something a little more OG.  I, of course, wanted to take Zoie to the streets of Compton, but, since THAT was out of the question, we settled on the streets of Bay St Louis, where we shot their maternity session.  The fall weather here in South Mississippi is hit or miss, but they lucked out with a beautiful evening. After making a short block, the birthday girl decided she was ready to choose a little tucked away corner and play with some of the fun things I had for her and well, the rest is the beautifully documented history below.  

Thank you, Zach and Kerri.  I am beyond grateful for the time that I get to spend with the both of you and your little darling.  I hope that these photos are cherished for all of the years to come. 

Francie and Kerby, Gulfport, Mississippi Engagement Session

Francie had me at first e-mail, when she introduced herself and her fiance', Kerby.  I don't think I have ever booked a more adorable pair of names.  And that is really all couples are, in the beginning, a duo of letters, formed by their mothers, to represent some sort of soul I have to try to capture love between.  Well, I have not been inspired to post a blog about a couple in a very long time, until now.  This picture perfect pair lived up to every ounce of anticipation their names gave me. 

I discount engagement sessions so that people are more inclined to meet with me, work together, laugh and talk and just feel one another out.  I want to be a good fit for a couple just as much as I want the business, if not more.  I realize that I have an eclectic personality of thug life mom swag that not all people will understand.  The only way I know how to shoot is out of love and it's hard for me to do my best when I don't feel like I mesh well with someone, or I feel like they don't trust me and it makes it difficult. I don't like difficult.  (Obviously, being that I chose the career that leads me to working the fewest amount of hours in a day) Shooting these two was so above and beyond enjoyable for me, I could have done it every day for a week.  Yes, just a week, let's be real. 

I am grateful for every single client that I have.  I learn a little more about myself with each personality that I come across and that is a powerful part of this business that I am in.  Francie and Kerby cast wind into the sails of my purpose, and people like them don't come around often.  They resonate love and laughter and are so genuine in every tiny whisper or when laughing out loud.  I cannot say enough about how great it has been to get to know them, or how much I am looking forward to their upcoming wedding.  I hope that these photos do their love justice and as always, thank you both for trusting me to capture you during this exciting time.